Thursday 26 April 2012

Painting an Artist piece in ImagineFX

I wanted to work on my painting skills in photoshop so I used the artists piece Sam Burtley work and painted over it by following his tutorial to learn some useful techniques. Sam Burtley creates brilliant colourful sci-fi drawings of landscapes.

Artist Sam Burleys Work
The artist creates a realistic sci fi landscape with the use of tone and interesting composition 

I have here added colour to the piece by following his tutorial. He uses  overlay and colour hue and saturation to create an realistic colourful landscapes. I like way the artist fills in the colour in a very easy and quick way from creating a greyscale drawing first.

For my next piece I will use his technique in my work. I have chosen to create my own landscape below following his technique started from a greyscale drawing.

 I began with blocking in colour and shape to get an interesting landscape composition.
 I then added tone and shade to the piece
 I then added more definition and detail  to the drawing. Highlighting the waves and shadow from the palm trees and rocks
 I then added more strokes to the waves to make the water look more fierce.
 I then added an overlay filling the drawing with basic colour.
 I then further added colour and pattern to the drawing by changing the size of the brush to work on more detail.
Here is my final drawing in colour. I am pleased with the overall look of the piece. If I had more time I could work more into the palm trees to make them look more realistic. I enjoyed working on this piece starting from a greyscale drawing  and adding colour overlays on top with further textures.

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