Wednesday 29 February 2012

Final Robot

My final robot design created in Photoshop.

Robot Development Work

Pencil Sketch of Robot Concept - I wanted to make the robot design out of Games consoles, controls and other electronic devices. As the robot will reflect current gaming technology and thus have a modern look.

Glowing edges effect on Photoshop of my compositional idea.

Variation robot design in colours blue and yellow.

Overall I am pleased with my concept however if I had more time I would work on the colour of the robot. I could further develop this into a 3D model to see how it would look like.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Rough sketches Robots

Here are some quick rough sketches of possible ideas to be developed further.

Sunday 26 February 2012

Robots Inspiration

Moodboard of Robots
I have looked at various films and games to inspire me with ideas for robot concept designs. 

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Final in different colour variations

These background does not work so well as  it looks more striking than the surreal tree.

Final Surrealism Piece

My final Surreal piece, experimented further with various backgrounds.  The tree portrays a human form and looking further you can see the branches form a face.  I enjoyed doing this piece however given more time I could enhance the blending and add more definition.

Rough sketches

Here are some quick rough sketches of possible surreal landscapes.
Possible Ideas surreal landscapes

Possible surreal trees that look like figures. Arms and hair and dress sway like tree roots and branches.

Possible surreal architecture of a face. Windows as eyes, the neck as the entrance to the house (tree bark).

sketch of possible landscape

Inside a cave

I decided to develop the idea of surreal trees looking like figures.

I then added detail and shade to the piece. I wasn't sure where this piece was going at the moment 
so I was just experimenting with different possibilities. However I do like the way I began shading/painting the left tree bark by just using a standard brush tool. 
Here I am playing around with the use of colour for the piece.

I like this idea I have created but will work on the composition/colour of this drawing to make it look more interesting. 

I then thought of joining the two surreal tree figures together to make a face. I found a reference pic on the internet of a face and used it as a template to help connect the branches together to form a face. I downloaded some interesting branch brushes for this piece. I liked this idea so I further developed it for my final.

Saturday 18 February 2012

Surrealism Inspiration

I like the illusion this surreal piece gives. The composition is very busy, which makes the piece look very interesting.   

Here are some reference images to inspire me with ideas when creating my Surrealist piece. These surrealist pieces are very creative and imaginative with a lot of thought and detail gone into them. 

Thursday 16 February 2012

Cut out effect on Photoshop

Here I have tried adding adding an filter cut out effect on Photoshop. This makes the piece look more cartoony and also works well.

Final war piece

I have been inspired by the artist John Keanne and Otto Dix. I chose to work in acrylic paint and then manipulated it in Photoshop adding colour and texture. I believe it has worked well, however I could develop it further by adding more detail and definition to the background and foreground images. I think I have captured the explosion quite well and theme of destruction. I have made the composition look very busy which could work well as an game scene.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Rough Sketches Ideas

Rough silhouettes soldiers in battle

Rough weapon/soldiers/masks ideas 

Rough drawings tank/soldier

Quick sketch of a tank

A skeleton wearing soldier uniform
I have here created rough sketches of weapons, soldiers, masks, tanks and skeletons to inspire me with ideas when creating my war piece. I have chosen to do a quick sketch of these objects/things as these incorporate the destruction of war very well. These rough sketches have been created using pencils and  black and white oil pastels.

Sunday 12 February 2012

Moodboard Reference Images War

I have looked at games, films, posters and artists work for inspiration. To help develop ideas when   creating my war piece.  I have looked at various different art styles from different mediums not just games. The games looked at were Modern Warfare, Battlefield, Gears of war etc. The films looked at were Transformers,  Avatar, Lord of the Rings etc. The artists that I have researched are Ottodix and John Keanne. War is an broad topic I will be developing a piece showing the destruction and violence of war.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Final Self Portrait

Here's the final outcome of my self portrait showing my personality. This self portrait reflects my creative side and my bubbly personality by combining both traditional drawing skills and digital together. I took a picture of myself as an reference to draw my face as accurately as I could.  Overall I think this self portrait represents me well. The colours I used such as yellow and red contrast very well and help portray my mood.

Development Work Self Portrait

I have here experimented with colouring in Photoshop in a cartoon/caricature style. This painting has developed from my tonal pencil drawing in which I scanned in to add colour on top.  I used the smudge tool
to blend the colours together to achieve a smooth effect. 

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Development work Self Portrait

Dev 6
Here's are quick idea developed using Photoshop of an reference image of myself, inspired by the   the artist Chuck Close. I could have created a drawing of this however it would have been too detailed to get finished. 
Dev 5
Here is ink and pencil drawing I created of myself.  I have experimented with a cut out style which I believe has worked out well. 

Dev 4
I have here experimented with charcoal and oil pastels with a collage of my drawing on top with ripped out newspaper to give it an interesting effect. I have created an abstract piece similar to Andy Warhol's work.

Dev 3
I have here created the caricature drawing using the medium charcoals. I have gasped the shadows  on my face quite well. However I could work more into the hair to make it look more realistic. 

Dev 2
Here I have tried creating a caricature drawing of myself using a sharpe pen. I don't like the way this turned
out as it does not look like me. 

Dev1 Monoprint Self Portrait
These are developments and ideas for my final self portrait. I have experimented with a variety of  different mediums so that  I can see what works out better. 

Sunday 5 February 2012

Self Portraits Moodboard of Artists work

The moodboards I have created include pieces from famous artists: Frida Kahlo, Andy Warhol, Chuck Close and Van Gogh and so on. These artists have been researched because I am fond of their style, colour, technique and composition in their work. Many of these pieces have been done traditionally, some have been digitally created using Photoshop. I have looked at a range of different styles and techniques (caricature, realistic etc) to help inspire me with ideas when creating my self portrait.