Wednesday 22 February 2012

Rough sketches

Here are some quick rough sketches of possible surreal landscapes.
Possible Ideas surreal landscapes

Possible surreal trees that look like figures. Arms and hair and dress sway like tree roots and branches.

Possible surreal architecture of a face. Windows as eyes, the neck as the entrance to the house (tree bark).

sketch of possible landscape

Inside a cave

I decided to develop the idea of surreal trees looking like figures.

I then added detail and shade to the piece. I wasn't sure where this piece was going at the moment 
so I was just experimenting with different possibilities. However I do like the way I began shading/painting the left tree bark by just using a standard brush tool. 
Here I am playing around with the use of colour for the piece.

I like this idea I have created but will work on the composition/colour of this drawing to make it look more interesting. 

I then thought of joining the two surreal tree figures together to make a face. I found a reference pic on the internet of a face and used it as a template to help connect the branches together to form a face. I downloaded some interesting branch brushes for this piece. I liked this idea so I further developed it for my final.

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